I always seem to be the slow bunny when it comes getting in on big cultural trends. I only got cable about two years ago and still don't understand this TiVo/DVR business. I think they're the same things, right? Before then, I lived on channels 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, a fuzzing 31, 41 and 47. My Internet service was dial-up for most of my life. High speed came with the cable package. Gotta love Time Warner! And it's only recently that I've become an active member on facebook by writing on walls, poking, and sending gifts to 101 of my closest friends! And don't get me started on texting! I still have a love hate relationship with that shit.
Now there's blogging. OK correction, I've NOW discovered blogging. I'll admit that I've been one of the biggest haters out there. Why would anyone assume that their deep, or in many cases not so deep, thoughts would be of interest to others. I don't want to hear about your issues with mass transit, your ex-boo, political stance, or that cat who never called you back. Yeah, I know, it's therapeutic and I don't have to read it. You're 100% right. The truth is my hate for blogs started when I came across a blog posting an ex of mine wrote about his issues with relationships. Man was he full of it! Self-righteous fool. Oh wait, I'm starting to blog about an ex-boo. My bad.
Anyhow, I digress. The point is they're right! And that's exactly why I've started this blog. Because I have things to say and you don't necessarily have to listen, or in this case read it. But, I do encourage you to read it. Why? Well because I'd like to think I'm a pretty thoughtful person and very deep at times. I have things to say because lots of things go through my mind and sometimes, I honestly just don't like talking to people. Yes, even my closest friends. I don't claim to be an expert in anything but rather an observer of everything. I will do my best not be a self-righteous fool, like some people i know, and stand on soap box trying to shove cliche rhetoric down your throat. If I do, please please check me on it.
I'm also blogging to get into the habit of writing again. I have big plans for the next couple of years that include graduate school and lots of writing.
Now, the key question is how do I give my friends the link to my blog without having them tell me I told you so?...
WOOHOO!!! Welcome to the wonderful world of blogerry goodness! I'm excited to have a way of staying in touch more often!:)
Bienvenidos K! Can't wait to read/hear more of your deep thoughts, cuz as Alex says, it's another way of staying in touch. =)
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